Triona, PhD Candidate

Before I began working with Jayson I was struggling with time management, stress and an overall lack of confidence & perceived ability in my work. I felt I was in over my head and lacking any real support or grounding. It was around then my supervisor suggested I try a few sessions with Jayson.

After an initial brief, but very positive meeting, Jayson agreed to work with me, and we made arrangements for further sessions. The sessions were brief but very advantageous, he covered everything from realigning my work to fit my values, giving me tools to gain social support within my course and finding ways to manage and reduce my stress levels. I have had much experience with receiving anxiety and stress related treatments form professional psychologists. However I still found Jayson’s approach and overall manner of dealing with me and my issues to be one of the most effective and unimposing I have ever encountered. He was friendly, without appearing unprofessional, pragmatic but not harsh and most importantly of all he gives an impression of deepest and sincerest caring for the people he works with.

The benefits of working with Jayson were increased confidence, lower stress levels, higher productivity and a general sense of increased self-efficacy. After my sessions I completed my final year with first class honors and have now progressed into a PhD. Based off my experience I would highly recommend Jayson as a life coach to students and professionals alike.

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