Steven – Entrepreneur
I approached Jayson when I was a point where I wanted to start working on my own business and grow more. I felt I needed something to get me motivated and get things done. Having heard about life coaching from a friend, I decided to try it out, as it seemed to fit my needs.
In terms of what I got out of the sessions I most appreciated the discipline that it taught me; the procedures for figuring out how to get things done; the recipes for success/reaching my goals, how it stopped my laziness, and how it helped me to deal with numerous difficult situations. Overall, it showed me how to get at a better version of myself.
A coach will help you get where you want to be. He helped me figure out the steps to achieve my objectives. He showed me the importance of discipline. He helped me stay motivated and focused on my goals.
The ‘homework’ for me was a very important aspect. Initially you are motivated because you know you have a session coming up – so you will push to get things done. Eventually I realised that I was doing all this work for myself and began to be more disciplined in terms of doing the ‘hard work, regardless of whether I had a session coming up or not.
The major benefits I gained from the program are increased discipline and the habit of journaling. Discipline is the biggest ‘thing’ I have learned from the program. Getting a proper routine and sticking to it no matter what, is what has helped me the most. I now journal every day. Writing down what I have done well today is satisfying and helps with motivation. Writing down the three most important tasks for the next day helps you get a lot of the important things done.
I would recommend the program to anybody who has dreams but are ‘lazy’ (always postponing things until tomorrow). For me, it’s been a huge success. If you need to get things done in your life, and getting those things done depends on you – then a coach will get you where you want to be.
I have learned so much from the sessions. It has helped me in all parts of my life.