What are meaning and purpose -and why are they so important to motivation
Motivation, Meaning & Purpose Comprehending Meaning & Purpose? In terms of what meaning and purpose is, a definition I really like is by a psychologist
Motivation, Meaning & Purpose Comprehending Meaning & Purpose? In terms of what meaning and purpose is, a definition I really like is by a psychologist
https://youtu.be/__JVJ1oeRSI Part 1 of this blog post outlined, from a cognitive behavioural perspective, why we procrastinate. Put simply, we procrastinate because of how we feel
“Executive coaches can help leaders bridge the gap between knowing what to do, and actually doing it” Marshall Goldsmith Development As a coaching psychologist I
What exactly is wellbeing anyway? Another word for wellbeing might be happiness. However, positive psychology scholars determined that happiness – one of the positive emotions
The great Tim Galwey in his highly influential book ‘The inner game’ has a formula for performance that I like. For Tim: Performance = Potential
Why we procrastinate Procrastination is a problem that affects pretty much all of us. In fact, 95% of us procrastinate. 20% of us are what
Stressed? Mind racing? Need a creative solution? The following question is essential if you find yourself stressed, stuck in an endless loop of worry. Or
https://youtu.be/xEDTlzBnWQo This week’s question of the week is useful if you’re having interpersonal conflict, or you need to make an important decision. The question to
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhAuNS071U&feature=emb_imp_woyt This question is useful if you are struggling with a problem, there are negative aspects to a situation you can’t do anything about, or
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPqzNO3Seqc&feature=emb_imp_woyt Today I’m going to talk a little bit about why attitude is important and what a positive attitude might actually look like. Really what
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